Saturday, July 6, 2013

My Grandfather Max Franson

So we named Max after my grandfather that has been gone 13 years now.  Yesterday we went down to Richfield to visit my grandmother.  While I was there I found some great pictures that I want to put into a book for Sundays during the Sacrament.

July 4th Parade

Max has been loving cars and trucks lately, so I wanted to take him to see the parade.  Jon graciously tagged along.  He was a good sport because there were so many people and it was so hot.  It ended up that we were sitting the very beginning of the parade and so we had to move.  Max loved watching the marching bands and danced along with the music.  He also loved the floats, especially a Captain Hook float.  I wasn't able to get a picture.  It was a great adventure and look forward to more.

Max's First Movie!

So on Wednesday July 3, 2013, we went to see Monster's University.  It was such a good movie.  Max loved it and watched the whole thing.  He got to sit on a booster seat to help him feel like a big boy.  It was a great choice for his first movie.

                  This is the only picture I could get because he was so excited.  Sorry a little blurry.

Thanksgiving Point

So we went to Thanksgiving Point, June 26, 2013.  Max loved it.  We walked around the dinosaur museum, and went to the farm.  Max loved pointing to every tall dinosaur and playing in the sand.  It was fun watching him be so exciting about the simplest things.  We wanted to go before our passes expired.  Max loved all the animals.  He especially loved the baby goats and the bunnies.  He got to pet a baby goat.  He also to ride on a pony.  At first he was not excited about being on a pony, but once the pony started to walk he loved it!

Digging for fossils

My Birthday and Anniversary!

Today, June 18th, is my birthday.  It is also our anniversary.  It has been 5 years, and so much has changed.  It has been an amazing journey so far.  Having Max has been the biggest blessing for our family right now.  No matter all the stresses that life brings we have each other.

For my birthday I asked for money so I could put a garden together and try to be creative.
                         There are watermelon, cantaloupe, zucchini, and cucumber on the left.
The flowers are on the right.  They are divided by stones in the middle where Max likes to walk so he can see the garden.  Max also likes to help us water the garden.  He has his own little watering can.