Saturday, July 6, 2013

My Grandfather Max Franson

So we named Max after my grandfather that has been gone 13 years now.  Yesterday we went down to Richfield to visit my grandmother.  While I was there I found some great pictures that I want to put into a book for Sundays during the Sacrament.


  1. Blessing to finally see MAX's Great Grandpa, what a great looking man, man & his wife. We are grateful Jon married Great Heritage. He/They look very intelligent (we met Gma Franson), she's proof enough they're
    "Salt of the earth" LDS people.
    Jon love you your family, we're grateful & he's & Max are in the FRANSON influence. Love you all!!

  2. Wonderful man! Sure do miss Grandpa. I have such a tender place in my heart for him. He welcomed us with open arms when we came in the family!! Glad you got to visit Grandma! I wish we weren't so far away!
